[translation:Gerry Pareja, Vancouver]
There are two parts to this. The first part outlines the foundation of Randonneurs Mondiaux in 1983. The second part, called the “Addendum”, traces the organisation from 1983-2002.This material first appeared on the original RM website in 2003 under the presidency of Réal Préfontaine’s presidency (1999-2003). Sometime later it disappeared. Special thanks to Gerry Pareja for retrieving both the English and French versions from his files and forwarding them to me. The blue photos are from the 1983 PBP “plaquette” [Eric Fergusson, January 2008] Our thanks to BC Randonnuers for allowing us to use this articles and photos.
Of the “anciens” and founders of les Randonneurs Mondiax at the end of August 1983*,the only ones left are the Spainards Francesc Porta and José Luis Garcia-Rodriguez, contacts for Catalonia/Spain and the Basque Country respectively, and myself as Treasurer of RM.
First of all, here is the summary of the agreement signed at the founding meeting of les Randonneurs Mondiaux:
Other than the above founders, we recall:
- Russell Moore, representing Australia
- Marc Demaesmaker and Jacques Delava, Belgium
- John Nicholas, England
- James Konski, United States of America
- John Hathaway, Canada
- Jean-Claude Muzellec, Sweden
Marc Dobise, President of the French Cyclotouring Federation (F.F.C.T.), attended this founding meeting.

1er rang:J.Konski, J.L.Garcia, J.Nicholas, M.Dobise, L.Hathaway, F.Porta
2e rang: R.C.Muzellec, Devos,Lepertel,Delava (caché), R.Moore (caché), Demaesmaker,
dessous 3 rangées de 3
(Caption from the 1983 PBP plaquette)
The 9 founding countries voted unanimously (less one vote) for President: Robert Lepertel; Vice President: John Nicholas; and Treasurer: Jacques Delava.
The main concepts outlining the guidelines for the future of the oganization were adopted, namely:
- The President is elected for a 4-year,non-renewable term
- Annual dues are 100FF
- Admission fee, after two years probation, is 200FF
- New countries must be sponsored by member countries, whose duty is to make sure that Audax Club Parisien rules for brevet organization are closely adhered to.
Member countries agree that the Audax Club Parisien is the only body that recognizes and registers open-speed brevets organized under its rules. Audax Club Parisien route cards are mandatory for organized events (later amendments allowed countries to have their own route cards, as long as they were registered and approved by Audax Club Parisien). All the foregoing formed part of a protocol of agreement to be signed by each country.
To our knowledge, this point causes no difficulties. From the beginning, the Audax Club Parisien has indicated that any interference with the internal affairs of a country was outside of its purview. When serious problems have arisen, we have acted as mediators, leaving it to the General Assemblies of each country to make their own best decisions by majority vote.
To our knowledge, there is no more underlying issues. This is a source of joy to us, as we see our concept of open-speed randonneur cycling as a superb facet of the practice of cycletouring.
We wish to extend our sincere thanks to those who helped at the birth of les Randonneurs Mondiaux. We hope they will continue to trust us, continue to help us out and reap their reward in the form of strong participation in our formula in their countries.
Robert Lepertel Treasurer, les Randonneurs Mondiaux
*All of the directors of Audax Club Parisien attended this meeting.